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Landscape Plan for Nudgee GC for redevelopment including Natural History


Nudgee Golf Club has an exceptional array of flora and fauna on its 88 hectare complex at Nudgee, almost unique given its location less than 16 km from the Brisbane CBD.  NGC is also home, permanent or otherwise, to many bird species rarely seen in the urban environment.

The purpose of this project is to identify, locate and record as many species of plants, animals, fungi and other critters as possible and to make this information available for members via databases on the NGC website.

The main aim of the project is to introduce members and visitors to the richness and diversity of NGC’s flora and fauna.  All Club members will be able to search the database and identify any plants or animals of interest to them.


The vegetation at NGC is a mixture of Australian native and native indigenous species. Trees are the dominant vegetation type, with select pockets of understory predominately along the water holes and boundaries.

Throughout the course there are several significant indigenous trees that if managed properly can be a valuable asset to the club. However trees being living organisms unfortunately do not live forever, regular maintenance should be carried out to ensure their longevity. When the times comes for their removal a plan is need to replace their existence, in a ecological corridor replanting with native indigenous species will ensure the clubs commitment to the environment.

Ecological Vegetation Classes

A key aim is to enhance and protect the remnant and regenerating vegetation found throughout the clubs property whilst keeping in mind the design and play aspects. There are two aspects to NGC vegetation, Floodplain Riparian Woodland and Floodplain Wetlands. The course is Floodplain Riparian Woodland however the water bodies are Floodplain Wetland Aggregate.

Floodplain Riparian Woodland is open eucalypt woodland to 20 m tall over a medium to tall shrub layer with a ground layer consisting of amphibious and aquatic herbs and sedges. It occurs over the property due to being a floodplain, often in conjunction with one or more floodplain wetland communities. Elevation is relatively low and subject to periodic flooding and inundation.

Floodplain Wetland Aggregate is composed of many zones found within the floodplain, its zones range from deeper water to wetland fringes. Structurally it is made up of aquatic and semi-aquatic herbs, grasses and sedges.

The golf course has modified the floodplain’s topography and the natural floodplain has been enhanced with the redevelopment with water bodies representing a significant habitat for both flora and fauna.

Tree Management

Trees are a significant component of most golf courses in Australia. That is why correct species selection and proper planting location is paramount, if this is done well trees can be spectacular and functional golf course features for decades.

On the other hand, inappropriate species selection and incorrect tree plantings can be a nightmare for the golf course and those who manage it. Gaining expert knowledge that takes into consideration to the course architecture, shade issues, air movement and damage from roots is needed and can even be a challenging task for professionals.

That is why many golf courses these days are having management issues with trees, there was good intention to plant trees back in the days but little consideration was given to the effect it would have in the future. It is important to remember that trees are living organism and unfortunately do not live forever, correct maintenance can extend the life of a tree, however one day it will have to be removed. This is why detailed plans are needed to assess trees located on course and the management of them going forward, not only for their health but also for the golf game.

Consultation with course management, the course architect and vegetation consultant is a must to ensure the correct replanting’s will not have a detrimental effect in the future.

The Development Plan for the site will result in a reconfigured 36 hole golf course as illustrated in the attached golf course masterplan. The re-development plan forms the basis of this Landscape Management Plan.

The redevelopment affords the opportunity to rid the site of the weeds that are found within the site and along the waterways within the site. During the redevelopment the golf course landscape (areas not including the greens, tees, fairways and short roughs) will be rehabilitated as described above.

Wetland plants are known for their water purifying qualities and benefits to general water and vegetation health and their support for a diverse range of flora and fauna a new and introduced vegetation community to the site where “fringing sedges and plants” will border the wetlands and ponds scattered around the golf course.

These plants will provide a buffer between the manicured golf course grasses and the wetlands/ponds where possible. It will ensure that typical maintenance practices for the greens, tees, short roughs, and fairways around the golf course do not interfere with both the newly established wetland and pond areas and those retained.

Dense Woodland will be a new vegetation community on the golf course that does not currently exist. The golf course as it presently exists is mown ‘wall to wall’ and hence manicured over the entire site. Currently the trees between holes being the only difference between the highly manicured greens, tees and fairways and the areas of roughs that support those trees.

The proposed Dense Woodland area on the golf course will be managed such that golfer access will be discouraged in favour of ensuring that the vigour of the native trees, shrubs and grasses is not compromised.

Grassy Woodland will be an enhancement to the existing golf course rough area where the trees lining the fairways will be enhanced with additional suitable native trees to support those that are already present. Where possible any non – indigenous trees and any other ground weeds will be removed in favour of indigenous trees.

Woodland with Shrub Understorey are areas on the golf course where some pre-existing trees line fairways but underneath those trees the grasses are mown into a short rough. These areas will be enhanced by the additional planting of indigenous trees as well as planting of some shrubs to help support the taller trees.

Eucalyptus moluccana

Melaleuca decora – white feather honeymyrtle

Casuarina glauca – swamp sheoak

Angophora costata – sydney red gum, rusky gum

Eucalyptus siderophloia – northern grey ironbark

Banksia oblongifolia – fern-leaved

banksia, rusky banksia

Banksia robur – swamp banksia

Melaleuca decora – white feather Honeymyrtle

Allocasuarina – black sheoak

Melaleuca quinquenervia – broad-leaved paperbark

Eucalyptus tereticornis – forest red gum

Eucalyptus robusta – swamp mahogany

Eucalyptus seeana – narrow leaved red gum

Eucalyptus microcorys – tallowwood

Corymbia intermedia – pink bloodwood – tessellated bark

Eucalyptus moluccana

Eucalyptus tereticornis

Melaleuca quinquenervia

Queensland blue gum

Broad-leaved paperbark

Black she-oak

Themeda Australis

Microbena Stipoides

Dianella Congesta

Hardenbuergia Violacea

Dionella Caerulea

Lomandra Longifolia

Kennedia Rubicurda

Cymbopogon Refractus

Eucalyptus Robusta

Eucalyptus Tereticornis

Eucalyptus Seeana

Dianella caerulea (Dia cae)

Hardenbergia violacea (Har vio)

Finicia rodosa (Fin rod)

Lomandra longifolia (Lom lon)

Cymbopogon refractus (Cym ref)

Bothriochloa decipiens (Bot dec)

Juncus kraussii