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Course development update – April 2020

The project is progressing well with Stage 2 nearing completion. Purchasing of some materials had been advanced to avoid any potential delays. While precautions around COVID-19 limited golf activity, the break enabled us to advance planned irrigation outside the main civil works zone.

Achievements in stage 2:

  • 3 new greens have been built
  • 3 bunkers have been constructed
  • 20,150sqm of grass has been laid
  • new waterways have been built
  • 2 new bridges have been installed
  • 18,000 trees & grasses have been planted
  • over 500sqm of concrete paths have been poured

Project Schedule

Stage 2 works continued with little disruption, with completion anticipated towards the end of July. Preparation for Stage 3 is well underway with key materials secured while planning is completed for clearing and coordination of civil works. The transition to Stage 3 is likely to commence in June.


The Board would like to remind members as we come back to golf after COVID-19 that the co-operation of members remains vitally important to keep the work site and course safe during construction. We must recognise the importance of avoiding work zones. This will increase with the opening of new holes but again we ask, please follow the signs and stay out of the construction zones. Stage 3 is likely to be the most difficult and may cause the most disruption to play as the work is concentrated in the middle of the existing golf course.

Construction so far

Our experiences with the new holes and various temporary arrangements with the new greens have drawn many positive comments, mostly around the quality and challenge of the new golf courses. We have now planted 80,000 plants of various description and type, including plants to the banks of the water bodies and some within the water bodies.

There is now an increasing emphasis on planting trees throughout areas of rough to provide more definition to the course, with 1000 trees to be planted in the near future. Members will see 6ft wooden stakes in place to protect the new trees and the Board would like all members to please be mindful of these new trees when playing. With recent rains and the warmer weather the new plantings growth has been at a premium, giving us a further feel for how the course overall will look when fully established.

Stage 2 Timing

Golf Holes

Stage 2 works is nearing completion; 5 Greens complexes are complete (East 6th, West 1st) with work continuing on West 5th, West 8th and West 9th along with various tees, fairways and water course realignment.

The East 6th hole (near the 14th North Course) is complete and growing in nicely with play likely towards the end of July.

The East 7th tees are complete and will be in play in the next few weeks. The fairway bunkers on the left have been removed to provide for a shared fairway with the East 9th hole. New irrigation has been installed which enable a marked improvement.

The West 6th tees and first 150m of the fairway have been grassed with the remainder to be finished off before the end of May. This hole will then be ready for play by mid-July to the green completed in September 2019.

The West 9th (currently 27th hole) civil works will commence in the next few weeks, constructing a new green complex and cart path wrapping around the top side of the green.

The West 8th will follow the West 9th construction. The new par 5 green complex, 100m of fairway and completion of the waterway will link back to the already completed fairway of this hole.

Irrigation System

Significantly, as part of Stage 2 the new Irrigation pumps and control station will be installed in the new maintenance shed.

Tree Protection and Clearing

In compliance with the Brisbane City Council (BCC) Natural Assets Local Law (NALL) requirements, tree protection zone fencing for the stage 3 is scheduled to be erected during the next four to six weeks. This will be followed by ‘sign off’ by BCC providing for this stage of works to proceed.

Stage 3 Timing

Stage 3 works (Fig 6) will be a highly visible stage from the clubhouse with a schedule of works to run for approximately 30 weeks. The area includes the North 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 11th and small practice area. Fig 6 below indicates the size of the next stage with 7 new greens to be built during this stage.

We are collaborating closely with the civil contractors and our architect, James Wilcher with regards to the next stage and what holes will be available for play during this period. It is an extremely complex stage given it is in the middle of the new work and at this time of year with limited growth; some areas we would have liked to be available for play will take longer than expected.

With this in mind the configuration of holes to play may change to suit the best holes available to play from week to week. Whilst this will be an exciting period to play new holes it is equally important to ensure all members follow the directional signs. Members must book into timesheets for either competition or social and check into the golf shop upon arrival to ensure you play the correct holes. This will be vitally important to ensuring the safety of all members whilst on site.